Tuesday, June 18, 2019

English Speaking Lawyer From Chengdu Law Firm Offer Mergers & Acquisitions M&A Legal Services in Chengdu China

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Chengdu is the capital of the Sichuan province and is situated on the Western edge of the Sichuan Basin. This capital city serves as the economic, financial and commercial center of Southwest China. More than 15 million people live in Chengdu. The province of Sichuan is known to tourists for its spicy food. Chengdu is famous for their cute habitants: The Panda. Economically, it is ranked as the 15th most competitive city in China. The ranking will probably move up quickly, as experts estimate that Chengdu will soon be upgraded from a Tier 2 to Tier 1 city. The growth which makes the Tier upgrade possible, is fueled by infrastructure and connectivity investments like the OBOR initiative and the Chengdu – Poland railway connection.
On a global basis, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) were the prevalent method through which multinationals conducted foreign investment, while “green field” investments were virtually the only option available to foreign investors in China in the past. However, the environment for M&A in China has fundamentally changed in recent years, affected in party by the global economic trend and with the intention of stimulating M&A related activity, Chinese Government have introduced and consolidated various laws and regulations since 2002.

The robust growth of China’s economy and its further liberalization of the domestic market after its accession to the World Trade Organization have worked together to fuel the accelerated pace of M&A activity in recent years. It is foreseeable that M&A activity, which offers foreign investors a more immediate method of entering the China market as opposed to “green field” investment, will continue to boom in China in the years to come.

Suppose a US-based company “ABC Co.” has preliminarily identified an ideal target company in China, which it intends to acquire. Before proceeding to conduct an in-depth financial assessment and structure the prospective acquisition, it is advisable to take the following into consideration: 1. M&A transactions in China require examination and approval by Chinese government agencies. 2. The sectoral restrictions applicable to “green field” investment in China are also applicable to foreign-related M&A transactions. 3. Ascertaining the nature and desirable businesses of the target is essential to structuring the M&A transaction. 

Due to the general lack of transparency or proper regulations in China, many Chinese companies may have certain irregularities incurred somewhere or sometime in the course of its business. It is imperative that a foreign investor resolve any irregularities before entering into the transaction. Therefore, conducting a legal due diligence exercise is often just as important as conducting a financial due diligence to determine the viability of the target company in a merger and acquisition deal
Image result for Mergers & Acquisitions M&A Legal Services

Our lawyer concentrate on Mergers & Acquisitions practice and divide the field into   M & A of listed companies, unlisted companies, foreign investors, SOE, etc. Our clients include various listed companies, group companies, foreign-funded companies, big state-owned companies and institutional investor concerning their investment and business transactions in China.

Our lawyer have represented acquirers, target companies, financial advisors and major shareholders in all types of complicated transactions and accumulated rich experiences. We are competent to provide clear, pertinent, timely advice and effective solutions in accordance with the laws of China.

Our lawyer have advised on cross-border and domestic M&A transactions in a wide range of sectors, including the financial, Real Estate, mining, infrastructure, and yachting industries. We also have a professional and international team of talented attorneys in order to assist our clients to facilitate the deals.

What challenges our client face?

1.     Feasibility of policies of industry admittance
2.     Transaction structure /plans with legal risk involved
3.     Historical issues and potential legal risk blocking transaction
4.     Higher transaction cost and transaction extremely time-consuming
5.     Problems of Resource integration in corporate governance, human resource, and culture after acquisitions 
6.     Scope of services 
7.     Legal advice on industry admittance policies
8.     Design of transaction structures/plans
9.     Tax planning 
10.  Conducting legal due diligence
11.  Review, drafting of transaction documents
12.  Participating in important M & A negotiation
13.  Provision of advice in respect of authorizations and approvals required as part of the transaction
14.  Assistance in conducting approvals with government agencies
15.  Assistance in execution and delivery of transactions
16.  Resource integration after acquisitions

Our lawyers have accumulated wide experience in Mergers & Acquisitions M&A Legal Services in Chengdu China 

Contact Tom Lee  if you need English Speaking Lawyer From Chengdu Law Firm Offer Mergers & Acquisitions M&A Legal Services in Chengdu China

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