Friday, March 22, 2019

Sichuan Tianfu New Area Chengdu Management Committee Park City Construction Bureau Officially Established

Tianfu New Area.
On the 18th of July, the Park City Construction Bureau of Chengdu Management Committee of Tianfu New Area, Sichuan, was officially established in the No. 9 Building, Section A, Jingrong Center, Tianfu Science City, marking a brand-new chapter for Tianfu new area to build the Park City. Park City is a new people-oriented development concept of realizing high-quality urban modernization driven by ecological values, which was instructed by the party general secretary Xi Jinping.
The Park City Construction Bureau is another major strategic step after the establishment of the first Park City Planning Research Institute to further improve the systems and mechanisms for the Park City planning and construction. This is an important move to orient the development of Tianfu New Area in the direction guided by party general secretary Xi Jinping and substantiate the spirit of his major instructions for the development of Tianfu New Area.
The official establishment of the Park City Construction Bureau offers the world China’s planning and construction solutions of city development
On February 11th this year, general secretary Xi Jinping inspected Tianfu New Area. He pointed out that " Tianfu New Area must be planned well and built well, in particular, to highlight the characteristics of the Park City and take the ecological value into consideration, trying to build a new growth pole, and construct the inland economic highland of opening-up.” This is the first time that general secretary put forward the vision of building Park City and he pinned high hope to Tianfu New Area. On April 26th, general secretary Xi Jinping made a special mention of Tianfu New Area at the second forum on the development of Yangtze River ecological belt. He said, "When I went to Sichuan, I noticed the sound ecological environment of Tianfu New Area. Overall planning and long-term commitments are needed to sustain such achievement.”
In order to better accomplish the task of planning and building the Park City, Chengdu Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Sichuan Tianfu New Area rolled out a highly efficient operating system which is well-organized and streamlined. It was decided that the same working force would serve both the Park City Construction Bureau and the Planning, Construction and Land Resources Bureau for better coordination and efficiency of the planning and construction of the Park City.
According to the information, the main responsibilities of the Park City Construction Bureau are as below: to adhere to the concept of " Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", to explore the planning model and construction pathways of the Park City·, to lead the planning and standard setting of the Park City·, to establish the urban and rural planning system of the Park City·, as well as to study the connotation, ecology, function, landscape, indicator system, public space and brand value of the Park City. These efforts are made in order to coordinate and move forward the planning and construction of the Park City· and provide China's planning and construction solutions to the rest of the world for better city development.
Lin Qiang, the first director of the Park City Construction Bureau, said: "It’s a great honor for me to serve as the first director of the Park City Construction Bureau and I’m keenly aware of the huge responsibilities on my shoulders as well. I would reserve no efforts, be practical, rise to the tasks, never yield to any possible challenges, and work diligently with the spirit of reform and innovation to serve my post. Under the strong leadership of the party working committee and the management committee of Chengdu Tianfu New Area, We should unite and lead the overall staff’s high standard and high level planning to build a new era park city, in response to the practical action and practical results the masses yearn for a better life. "
“Four Shifts” strategy is adopted to make a major breakthrough
Clarify goals for the park city planning and construction, Lin Qiang thoroughly introduced to the press the recent progress in the planning and construction of the park city. In order to fully implement the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era proposed by President Xi Jinping, the spirits of the 19th National People’s Congress and the statements made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Sichuan, especially his remarks on the development of Tianfu New Area, the Sichuan Tianfu New Area Chengdu Party Working Committee and Management Committee after tenacious study and analysis, released the “Suggestions on the Comprehensive Implementation of the Instructions by General Secretary Xi Jinping on Developing Tianfu New Area as an Important Node Supporting the Belt and Road Initiative and Yangtze River Economic Belt (1st Edition)”, the “Suggestions on Accelerating the Construction of the Park City (1st Edition)", and the "Five-year (2018 - 2022) Action Plan of the Park City Construction (1st Edition)" on March 31st.
In these documents, the planning and construction of the park city are defined as the primary project for Tianfu new area. From the perspective of exploring the new paradigm of urban development, building the community of shared destiny and combining theory with practice, the Park City is an advanced form of city development which revolves around the people while preserving the ecology. Park City is an advanced form of urban development that fully embodies the new development concept. It insists on people-centered and ecological civilization-led, It is a new model of modern city and sustainable development of city construction with the integration of park form and urban space, the combination of production and living ecological space, natural, economic, social and human nature, which is the combination of modern city and new era. Aesthetic value, ecological value, humanistic value, economic value and life value are the five characteristics of New Age Park City.
The building of a park city is regarded by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government as an unprecedented major event for the whole province that will exert lasting influence in the next one hundred years. In order to serve the purpose of setting up an example of full-scope opening up and all-directional development, Tianfu New Area is making four-shift changes (shift from large-scale infrastructure construction to building a high-quality living circle and high-quality industrial ecosystem, shift from relying mainly on regional allocation of resources to deploying high-end resources globally, shift from the traditional management system to a modernized international governance system, and shift from investment-driven development to innovative talents-driven development) as a breakthrough.
The plan is to build the park city in three steps: by 2022, double-digit growth rates are to be achieved for the main economic indicators. Tianfu Center, Western China International Expo City, Tianfu Science City, and an ecological landscape covering mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and lands are to be built in the core area; by 2035, the total economic output of Tianfu new area is to stand above the one trillion mark, with the city’s total capacity and core competitiveness elevated to a new high, so as to build a key node supporting the development of Belt and Road initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, as well as an example of a beautiful and livable park city; by 2050, Tianfu new area is to be thoroughly transformed into a beautiful and livable park city, a new growth pole and highland of open economy with regional and international influence. It will also become an important carrier for Sichuan to gather global resources and participate in the global competition.
Exploring the development pathway for the park city, accelerating research over eight main topics
At present, the basic theory research and planning construction practice of park city has been carried out. The research on the concept, form, green ecology, index system, consumption scene and brand value of the park city, led by six well-known experts such as Wu Zhiqiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is speeding up as planned in the following eight aspects, The Chengdu City Park City Global Forum has stepped up its preparations in an effort to bring together the world's top minds to explore the park city's development path.
Meanwhile, with the idea of arranging the space according to the landscape, highlighting the natural imitation of urban aesthetics, and designing the functional zones with smart growth in mind, we will pick up the pace of building a park city with one core area and three city functional zones; we will also vigorously move forward such major ecological projects as Mt. Longquan Urban Forest Park, Northern Ecological Barrier Corridor, 1200km Grade III Greenway System, Xinglong Lake Landscape Enhancement, water ecological environment comprehensive management for West Sichuan Forest Plate. Luxi River, Jinjiang River and Dongfeng Canal, Qingsong wetland projects, the goal of which is to offer access to green and natural landscapes to all. Vigorous efforts will also be made to promote green building and rooftop greenery. We will consolidate the ecological foundation and enhance the ecological value; Economically, we will make industrial development more ecological and industrialize ecological preservation. By pulling together global resources, we will accelerate the construction of the unicorn island, Tianfu International Conference Center, super high-rise landmark buildings in Tianfu new area, and talent apartments with international standards and Chinese characteristics, and strive to build an industrial ecosystem with high-end and composite business types.

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