Monday, March 25, 2019

Brief Introduction To China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone,Set Up Business,Company Registration,Corporate Formation In China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Image result for Chengdu Pilot Free Trade Zone
China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone was officially established, covering cities of Chengdu and Luzhou in the province on April 1, 2017.
Taking up a total area of 119.99 square kilometers, it consists of Tianfu New Area and Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area in Chengdu, and South Sichuan Port Area in Luzhou.
Chengdu Area of China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Chengdu Pilot Free Trade Zone) covers a total area of 100 sq km and consists of two areas, Tianfu New Area (90.32 sq km) and Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area(9.68 sq km).
In 2017, the free trade zone saw 22,000 new tenant companies with a registered capital amount of 310 billion yuan, among which, 204 were foreign-invested, accounting for one third of the province's total.
In that year, the two cities made a 49.1-percent growth in foreign trade.
By the end of March 2018, the free trade zone had attracted 34,000 new companies with registered capital exceeding 400 billion yuan with investments from more than 300 foreign companies.
In January and February 2018, the foreign trade of the two cities grew by 25.5 percent.
Tianfu New Area
It is the core functional zone of modern services, high-end manufacturing, high-tech Industries, air-transportation related economy and port services, which will be built into a national clustered high-end industrial zone, innovation driven development leading area, open financial reform and innovation center, business logistics center and international aviation hub. In accomplishing the core task, Tianfu New Area works to be leading areas of opening-up in the inland regions.
Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area
It will prioritize developing port services, such as international commodity distribution, de-consolidation exhibition, bonded logistics, vehicle import, financial services, etc. and modern services, such as information services, technology services, exhibition services, aims to be built into a strategic fulcrum of international trade corridor which connects the inland with the Belt and Road Area.
South Sichuan Port Area
Covering a planned area of 19.99 square kilometers, the South Sichuan Port Area is aimed at constructing the shipping and logistics center in upper reaches of Yanzi River that radiates the whole Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, and the demonstration plot of transition and collaborative development of river-coast industries. It focuses not only on the development of modern services like shipping, logistics, port trade, medical care and education but also on advanced manufacturing industries and characteristic industries with local advantages like equipment manufacturing, modern medicine and food & beverage. The 6 major test zone to be established are the International Shipping Development Cooperation Zone, the Port Process Trade Transition and Upgrading Service Zone, the Modern Services Development Test Zone, the International Wine Development Cooperation Zone, the Riverside High-tech Industries Gathering Area and the Second Aviation Industry Hub.
Sichuan FTZ has three noteworthy advantages.
First, Sichuan FTZ has an economic advantage. Sichuan’s economic aggregate, market scale, infrastructure, business environment and demographic dividend provide an excellent economic environment for investment, and its market potential and future industrial driving force also have considerable strength.
Local superiority is the second advantage of Sichuan FTZ. Chengdu, Sichuan’s capital is a "Western gateway city and open highland", with the third largest number of consulates general, and plays an indispensable role in effective international exchanges.
The third advantageous aspect of Sichuan FTZ is innovation. Sichuan has many famous universities, such as Sichuan University, Southwest Jiaotong University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology, providing enormous numbers of well-educated talents for industrial innovation, and it also adopts encouragement policies for self-employment. Chengdu was praised by Fortune magazine as one of the "Top Ten Start-up Cities in China" last year.

To facilitate people who want to invest and set up business in  China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, here is an introduction of Types of business presence in China: 

Before starting up a business in China, you have to know what are the options. Foreign Investors generally establish a business presence in China in one of five modes: Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise(WFOE); Representative Office; Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE); Joint Venture and Hong Kong Holding Company.

Wholly Foreign OwnedEnterprise (WFOE) is a Limited liability company wholly owned by the foreign investor. WFOE requires no registered capital and it's liability of equity , can generate income, pay tax in China and it's profit could be repatriate back to investor's home country. Any enterprise in China which is 100 percent owned by a foreign company or companies can be called as WFOE.

Representative Office (RO) is aLiaison Office of it's parent company. It requires no registered capital. It's activities would be: product or service promotion, market research of it's parent company's business, Quality Control liaison office etc in China. RO generally is prohibited to generate any revenue nor generating contracts with local businesses in China.

Joint Venture (JV) is a Limitedliability company formed between Chinese investor and Foreign investor. The parties agree to create a entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. JV usually been used by foreign investor to engage the so called restricted in areas such like: Education, Mining, Hospital etc.

Since March 1, 2010: Measures ofEstablishment of Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE) in Chinaistaking effect. The regulation, which take effect since March 1, 2010, are known as the Administrative Measures for the Establishment of Partnership Enterprise in China by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals. There's no required minimum registered capital for a Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprise (FIPE) in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and rest cities of China

Hong Kong Company usually been used as a Special Purpose vehicle (SPV) to invest Mainland China. Hong Kong is one of the quickest locations to Incorporate a business. Although a HK company is not a legal entity in Mainland China (Mainland China and Hong Kong, See Wiki 1 country, 2 systems), lots foreign investors, especially investors from Europe and North America still chose to setting up a Hong Kong company as SPV to invest China.

After China's entry to WTO, most industries in China welcome foreign investment, WFOE setting up in Chinabecomes the first option of foreign investment's entity structures instead of Rep. Office setting up in China. At the mean time, for tax purpose, effective licensing system etc more and more investors use Hong Kong as the holding company to invest China mainland, using this offshore company to hold their operations in China.

Business set-up in  China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone is a big project by itself, which requires financial and time commitments, business management knowledge and China expertise. Identifying a competent agent to manage the complex process will be a cost and time effective way to avoid potential pitfalls . Tommy China Business Consulting has direct connections in the local government

Since 2006, TCBC has been focusing on consulting services for our clients to invest in Chengdu China. We are specialized in establishment of wholly foreign owned enterprises (WFOEs), setting up of offshore companies, trading services, tax minimization, Assist in obtaining government approvals and certificates for running business, negotiate and draft various legal documents provide legal advice, negotiate government officer for Land acquisition. Advising on formation of WOFE and business structures, managing and controlling WOFE in China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, drafting privacy policies and structuring commercial transactions

TCBC will manage all aspects of incorporation to get you a business license in China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone.  We offer a range of company formation services including helping you to set up:
-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE )
-Joint Ventures (Equity/Co-operative)
-Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE)

Contact Tom Lee for business setup consulting in  China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone now.

Chengdu fishes for the world's top professionals

Chengdu fishes for the world's top professionals
Two exhibitors from the Czech Republic assemble a jet at a trade fair in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in October 2013. [Photo by Yu Ping/For China Daily]

By Huang Zhiling in Chengdu | China Daily
The Shuangliu district of Chengdu in Sichuan province plans to become home to top professionals in international trade, finance and law from different parts of the world, to meet the needs arising from its inclusion in the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone.
It will rely on headhunters to hire such talent, offering each professional an annual salary of nearly 2 million yuan ($290,550), said Jiang Liwang, chief of the General Office of the Administrative Bureau of the Shuangliu section of China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone.
On April 1, the unveiling ceremony for the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone was formally held in Chengdu. The zone consists of two parts: Chengdu in western Sichuan and Luzhou in southern Sichuan.
The Sichuan FTZ covers nearly 120 square kilometers, with 100 sq km in Chengdu and the rest in Luzhou. Of the Chengdu part, more than 34 sq km are in Shuangliu.
Wei Shuangdan, a policewoman with the Gongxing Town Police Station in Shuangliu, was transferred to the government service center of the Shuangliu part of the free trade zone more than two weeks ago. She will serve as the chief representative of the Shuangliu District Public Security Bureau in the Government Service Center.
She landed the coveted job thanks to her proficiency in English. She had passed the English Majors Band 8, the highest-level test for English learners in China.
"I graduated from an institution of higher learning a decade ago and seldom spoke English as a policewoman. I lamented my English major was useless," Wei said.
Her story reflects the shortage of professionals in the Sichuan FTZ, particularly in Shuangliu, one of the most advanced regions inthe zone. According to sources in the Sichuan provincial government, the Luzhou section of the FTZ is also considering wooing top professionals from different parts of the world.
The zone's Chengdu section has advantages like airport and railway transportation and the Luzhou section has a port connecting the Yangtze River to the East China Sea.
The Chengdu section will stress development of the modern services sector, high-end manufacturing, high-tech and airport-dependent economy. The Luzhou section will emphasize shipping logistics, port trade, equipment, food and beverage manufacturing, said Tang Limin, chief of the General Office of the Sichuan provincial government.
An inland province known for its inaccessibility in ancient times, Sichuan is the most advanced region in western China, thanks to the implementation of China's reforms and opening-up policies in the late 1970s and its go-west strategies adopted at the turn of the 21st century.
Most of the world's Fortune 500 firms have set up offices in Sichuan and the province has more foreign investment than any other region in western China.
"The unveiling of the China (Sichuan) Pilot FTZ will have a lasting influence on the province's economic, cultural and social fabric," said Yao Yi, president of the Institute of Economics, part of the Sichuan Provincial Academy of Social Sciences.
The FTZ means a new round of reform and opening up to the outside world. Benefits of its reform are expected to liberalize trade and investment, Yao said.
The FTZ also means two way free flow of top talent and capital, said Yao, adding systems have to be in place to spur more trade and higher investment.
The Sichuan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau headquartered in Chengdu has formulated 10 inspection and quarantine systems to facilitate trade. This will shorten the quarantine time for special products such as blood to three days at most. The validity of the certificate of quarantine approval will be extended from three to 12 months.
It has started to process applications online for products to be processed, according to Ma Dongmei, an information officer with the administration.

Chengdu emerging as industrial leader on global tourism landscape

Chengdu emerging as industrial leader on global tourism landscape

Sichuan-style hotpot, which features chilly oil, is a popular dish in Chengdu. PENG CHAO/ CHINA DAILY
Since the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization was held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in September, the host city has become the focus of the global tourism sphere.
The successful event witnessed the appointment of UNWTO’s new chief, Zurab Pololikashvili, for the 2018-21 term; the release of the Chengdu Initiative on Tourism Cooperation along the Belt and Road; and the founding of the World Tourism Alliance.
It was the largest gathering in UNWTO’s history, said Taleb Rifai, the outgoing secretary- general of the organization.
As the highest-level conference in the global tourism industry, the event attracted delegates from 137 countries and regions, as well as 41 international organizations.
It was the first time that the UNWTO general assembly had been held in western China.
Chengdu is possibly the most energetic and most passionate city in China, Rifai said. China’s status has been rising in the international community in recent years, and its influence has increased in the global tourism sector, he added.
As a result, when China proposed hosting the event, UNWTO member countries agreed unanimously.
Chengdu was chosen both on the recommendation of the China National Tourism Administration and for the city’s unique charm, Rifai said.
His successor, Pololikashvili, will take office in 2018. He said Sept 14 was an unforgettable day because of his appointment, adding that he would never forget China.
The newly founded World Tourism Alliance has a close sister bond with UNWTO, Pololikashvili said.
The alliance is the first China-initiated, comprehensive global nonprofit tourism NGO, with its headquarters and secretariat established in the country.
It has 89 founding members, including the United States, France, Germany, Australia, Japan and Brazil.
Pololikashvili said he expects UNWTO to hold another large event in Chengdu soon, under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.
During this year’s UNWTO general assembly, the Chengdu Initiative on Tourism Cooperation along the Belt and Road was made public at a tourism ministers’ meeting.
The Chengdu initiative aims to help countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to work together more closely in tourism by increasing policy-related communication, facilitating travel, creating a new cooperation mechanism and improving the quality of exchanges.
It also calls for joint tourism promotion and increased exchanges in tourism education. Members are encouraged to deal with common challenges and risks, and to enhance coordination and cooperation.
Rifai said the Silk Road played a key role in promoting people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in ancient times.
He added the Belt and Road Initiative has given it a new lease on life and increased international tourism and cultural exchanges.
Li Jinzao, head of the China National Tourism Administration, said increased cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative has helped to tap into potential tourism resources in various countries and has improved the influence of tourist destinations.
Li forecast Chinese outbound visits will reach 700 million over the next five years. The top Chinese tourism official said he also has confidence that the country will be able to attract 700 million visits from abroad during that period.
UNWTO and Sichuan province have a long-standing, deep bond.
Back in 1998, the international organization sent a group of experts to the province. They helped Sichuan to formulate China’s first provincial- level tourism development initiative. The plan still guides its tourism growth today.
Sichuan’s capital, Chengdu, was recognized as one of China’s best tourism cities in 2016 by the China National Tourism Administration and UNWTO.
The city also serves as one of UNWTO’s observation locations for research into sustainable tourism development.
After the severe earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008, UNWTO experts conducted thorough research into the province’s tourism resources to aid in the disaster relief efforts.

Chengdu Recognized as International Tourism Destination

CHENGDU, May 13, China Daily -- National Geographic Traveler Magazine has selected Chengdu as one of 2017's 21 must-seeplaces. It is the only tourism destination in China on the list.
"This special issue takes readers on a globe-spinning journey to 21 of the world's best destinations," said George Stone, editor in chief of the magazine.
Forestry Industry_-_5.13_Chengdu_Recognized_As_Intl_Tourism_Destination
"We think this year's list represents a carefully curated selection of forward-leaning places that reveal the bright future of travel. This list is all about exploration and discovery. It's not just about where to go, but why to go now and how to make 2017 a year of enlightenment through travel."
Capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, Chengdu is known for its giant pandas-a strong cultural symbol of the city.
The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in the north of the city is one of the most popular scenic spots in Chengdu. It is dedicated to wildlife research, captive breeding of giant pandas, education on panda conservation and educational tourism. More than 100 giant pandas live in the base.
The pandas are also the stars in the Chinese wildlife-themed documentary film Born in China,which started to air in the United States on April 21. The film was created by Chinese, British and US teams.
Rich history
Chengdu has a history of 3,000 years, with dynamic culture. It was listed in the first group of national historical and cultural cities by the State Council in 1982.
The Jinsha Site Museum has been hailed as a significant archaeological discovery, which was unearthed in 2001. It shows the thriving culture that existed in Chengdu more than 3,000 years ago.
More than 5,000 pieces of precious cultural relics have been found at the site, such as gold, jadewares and metric tons of ivory works. The most famous relic is a round, golden ornament featuring the sun and immortal birds. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage has used thepattern as the symbol of Chinese cultural heritage.
About 40 kilometers northwest of the city center is the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. First built in 256 BC, it is adjacent to Qingcheng Mountain, the birthplace of Taoism. Dujiangyan is the world's oldest and only surviving irrigation system without a dam. It is still functioning today.
In the urban areas of Chengdu there are also many tourist attractions with cultural flavor, such as the Temple of Marquis Wu, built to commemorate Zhuge Liang (181-234), prime minister of the Shu Kingdom (221-263), and Dufu Thatched Cottage, the former residence of prestigious Chinese poet Dufu of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
According to the MasterCard 2016 Global Destination City Index, Chengdu ranked as the world's second global destination city in terms of visitor growth rate.
Overseas tourists receive an 11-percent tax refund when he or she leaves Chengdu's airport oncondition that his or her total purchases reach 500 yuan ($72.4) at a single appointed store on a single day.
The city also has a 72-hour visa-free policy, allowing transit passengers from 51 countries who have valid visas and a flight ticket to a third country to stay in Chengdu for three days.
The preferential policies are expected to lure more overseas tourists. It is estimated that Chengdu will receive 8.5 million in bound tourists annually by 2025, accounting for 2.8 percent of overall visitor numbers, according to the city's tourism authority.

UK and Chengdu sign automotive vocational education contract

The contract was signed between the Emtec College and the Chengdu Industrial Vocational Technical College on 17 April 2013.
The partnership will help Central College Nottingham to promote an automotive qualification system in China.

Emtec College, part of Central College Nottingham, and the Chengdu Industrial Vocational Technical College have announced a new contract on a UK-China Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI). The partnership has been supported by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and the British Council.
The contract was signed between the Presidents of the two colleges on 17 April 2013. The partnership will help Central College Nottingham to promote an automotive qualification system in China and help the local vocational school in Chengdu cultivate more qualified students through advanced curriculum systems, which will ensure premium job opportunities for students after graduation. Additionally, the contract will offer students with IMI qualifications opportunities to study for higher education in the UK.
Meanwhile, 14 local vocational students who successfully completed their studies through the IMI course were awarded with IMI Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF UK) Certificates. This is the first IMI class in China in which students have obtained the QCF certification, which is widely recognised in Europe.
Simon Mellon, the Head of UKTI in Chongqing and senior officials from the Chengdu Educational Administration Office witnessed the signing.
Minister of State for Trade and Investment Lord Green sent a congratulation message:
The UK has a long tradition of expertise in the vocational education sector, so I am delighted that institutions such as Emtec are leading the way in sharing this expertise with partners around the globe. Initiatives of this type are key if we are to continue to strengthen the excellent trading relationships that already exist between our two nations, and I would like to wish Emtec and the Chengdu Industrial Vocational Technical College every success in their new venture.
Head of UKTI in Simon Mellon said in his speech during the ceremony:
The UK is an important global Research and Development centre for powertrain, transmission, new energy vehicle and parts supply. The UK is keen to share its expertise in the motor industry, and be a partner for skills development, with China.
I am very pleased to see the progress in China made by Emtec in securing a win-win result for both UK and China sides. I wish the co-operation between the Central College Nottingham and the Chengdu Industrial Vocational Technology College every success, and hope to see closer and wider collaborations in the areas of education and technology in the future.

Chengdu zone at heart of car parts industry

A technician works at an automotive parts factory inside the city's Longquanyi district on May 31. Photo: Chen Tian
Newly planted trees, carefully decorated gardens and artificial rivers make the Longquanyi district in southeast Chengdu city, Sichuan Province, a public park-like place that attracts hundreds of downtown residents for dining and nightlife.

However, serving as a destination for affordable leisure is not Longquanyi's only role. The district has also been the center of a different and rapidly-growing industry in southwest China: the car manufacturing and auto parts industry.

The Economic and Technological Development Zone in Longquanyi is a 56-square-kilometer area that hosts three production bases of FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, a plant of Chengdu Toyota Boshoku Automotive Parts Company, a factory of Chengdu Gaoyuan Automobile Industries Company, and more than 200 other industrial enterprises.

The zone, approved by the State Council in 2000, has generated a total output of 24.82 billion yuan ($4.05 billion) in the first four months of 2013, an 18 percent increase from last year, and it has produced a total tax revenue of 45.76 billion yuan during that same period, up 40.8 percent from 2012.

"This zone has laid the foundation for Chengdu and Sichuan to become the national center for automobile production and consumption," said Li Hua, a senior engineer and the standing deputy director of the zone's administrative committee.

The zone is able to produce 1.25 million vehicles a year and is also conducting research on electric cars, according to the administrative committee.

Massive-scale production

The Chengdu branch of FAW-Volkswagen Automotive launched its first manufacturing base, which specialized in producing the Volkswagen Jetta, in Longquanyi in 2007, hoping to tap into the abundant market potential of southwest China, said Liu Junrong, president of the branch.

"There's huge demand in Chengdu and the entire Sichuan in purchasing cars," said Liu. "The rate of vehicle ownership is high, but it could be even higher."

Within six years after the first base was launched, two other bases focusing on higher-end automobiles, such as the New Jetta, Audi A3 and seventh-generation Golf, haven been put into operation.

"We now produce 350,000 cars out of these three bases each year, and a new car is completed and comes off from the assembly line every 60 seconds," said Zhou Guanglin, the head of production scheduling of the bases.

FAW-Volkswagen's fast expansion is a result of Chengdu's abundant talent pool, Liu said.

"Chengdu has many universities that are more than able to feed our demand for well-educated human resources in company management as well as engineering," he said, adding that the three bases now produce 1,500 cars a day, and they plan to produce 450,000 vehicles annually beginning next year.

Wang Lixin, deputy manager of the marketing and strategy department of Chengdu Toyota Boshoku Automotive Parts, which produces car seats, doors and other auto parts, told reporters that the company has been benefiting from the highly efficient local government since they began operations in 1999.

"We hold meetings with the government every day, and the officials do try to solve most of our problems as soon as possible," Wang said.

What's in a name?

Although Chengdu has over 3 million vehicles on its roads as of late May, as reported by Chengdu Business Daily - a figure topped by only Beijing - the Sichuan capital still faces obstacles to faster growth.

Because Chengdu is not well-known among overseas automakers and is shifting from labor-intensive to capital-intensive industrial structure, the city is having a hard time attracting quality projects to the economic development zone.

"Chengdu is experiencing a dramatic change in its industrial structure," Li Hua said. "Attracting capital investment has always been a challenge for us."

Liu told reporters that FAW-Volkswagen does not have a research and development center in Chengdu, and it does not plan to launch one in the near future. The lack of strong research institutes and infrastructure for other modern service is challenging Chengdu's economic and technological development zone, Li Hua said.

"Our modern service industries are not concentrated enough; we are missing vital links on car manufacturing to make the zone a full-fledged production chain," he noted.

The modern service industry is an emerging sector with a new service pattern and management system that is focused on modern technologies and information network technologies in particular.

One of China's signature vehicle production zones is the Anting Shanghai International Automobile City, located in Shanghai's northeast Jiading district. The zone is known for its research center, which covers 2.6 square kilometers and hosts the Shanghai Automobile Industry Company's Automotive Engineering Research Institute and the research center of German auto parts producer Schaefller Group.

However, Li Hua was confident that Chengdu will catch up in the future. "We have laid a solid foundation by attracting world-class automakers to the zone and many great developments will follow. It will become a first class automobile production center worldwide in two to three decades."

Branding boost 

Yet still, Sichuan is late in the game of manufacturing cars and auto parts compared with China's coastal regions and northeast provinces, Li Hua told reporters on May 31, adding that the southwest province is in need of a boost in recognition.

The three-day Fortune 2013 Global Forum, which closed in Chengdu on Saturday, offered such a boost by gathering senior executives of the world's largest companies to discuss trends and forces shaping the global economy and businesses.

Chengdu is the fourth city in China that was chosen to host the conference. Shanghai held the conference in 1999, Hong Kong in 2001 and Beijing in 2005.

The attendees included Li Shufu, the founder and chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, which acquired Volvo Cars from Ford Motor Company in 2010. Geely, China's largest privately owned car firm, launched Chengdu Gaoyuan Automobile Industries Company, which located to the Longquanyi zone in 2007.

A roundtable on the future of transportation, presented by Volvo Cars, was held Friday. The discussion centered on sustainable transportation, with a focus on how road, rail, air and water transportation should evolve.

With many high-level executives attending, the forum helped to put Chengdu and its economic development zone in the spotlight and catch the attention of investors from around the world, Li Hua said.

"We are not just eyeing those investments made by top 500 companies, but also the technology and talent resources offered by small and medium companies," he said. "We also hope companies with which we are already cooperating, such as Volkswagen and the Kobelco Construction Machinery, will put more investments into the region."

Chengdu: Emerging hub for new-energy vehicles

Chengdu: Emerging hub for new-energy vehicles

The new-energy vehicle industry is a new landmark on Chengdu's industrial landscape as the capital city of Sichuan province stresses a range of advanced industries to fuel a new round of economic development.
During the Western China International Fair in October, one of major events in Chengdu last year, Yema Auto of Sichuan Auto Industry Co Ltd rolled out three new-energy models.
In November 2014, the 12th Michelin Challenge Bibendum in the city attracted world-renowned automakers including BMW, Benz and Volkswagen to showcase their latest new-energy vehicles. Chengdu Laintem Motors Control Technology Co Ltd, collaborating with a research institution in Ukraine, developed the world's lightest motor for electric vehicles last year. The main business of the company founded in 2012 is developing and manufacturing power systems for electric vehicles. According to a company statement, it has also been working on solving the three biggest problems in electric cars - high costs, difficulties in charging and short battery life.
In addition to the lightest electric motor, the company has also developed a range of innovations together with the institution in Ukraine, resulting in 52 patented technologies.
It began manufacturing a third-generation electric bus in June last year. Shi Dixin, president of the company, said that Chengdu has the most abundant resources in southwestern China to form an industry chain in new energy.
"I hope that we can start from technology and finally integrate every part to make the industry better appeal to the market."
Sichuan Auto Industry Co Ltd located in Longquanyi district, the city's auto manufacturing hub, is a manufacturer of passenger cars, commercial vehicles and motors. The company has also turned its attention to new-energy vehicle development and manufacturing. It now has two manufacturing centers in Chengdu.
Cao Guodong, deputy general manager of the company, said the natural resources in Sichuan are a good fit for the new-energy vehicle industry with its climate and rare earth resources.
As well, the city government has adopted a range of policies to support the industry, making a larger space for auto companies to flourish in the city, said Cao. He added that in 2015, the company will launch new models of new-energy vehicles and carry out R&D projects with top universities in the country.
The municipal government's new energy vehicle development plan started in 2008.
By 2010, the city became one of the first 25 national demonstration areas for new-energy vehicles. According to a report from Chengdu Economic Daily in February, there are now six producers of new-energy vehicles in the city and 18 that make components. The city's economic and technology development zone has attracted a range of national and multinational auto companies including Volvo and Geely. Volkswagen and BMW also chose the city the site for promotion events for their electric vehicles. According to the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the city stress integration of the industry as well as technologies for battery development. It will also ofer more support for innovation in local companies and their cooperation with academic institutions. The province unveiled its list of five advanced industries last year, which includes new energy vehicles, shale gas, energy-saving and environment protection equipment, information security and aviation. The provincial government will also put more effort into develop five emerging service industries - e-commerce, logistics, financing, science services and healthcare. The central government has recently made the Tianfu New Area a State-level new area. Chengdu plans to further promote the area's development as a modern industry base to improve its city competitiveness.
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Sichuan Electronic Information Industry Increases Within Win-Win Tune

Chengdu has become a prime destination for businesses and start-ups since becoming a technological hub.

On This summer tenth, among the 500 strong companies of world, Hewlett-Packard Co. signed an agreement with Sichuan, planning to establish IT software talents training base. The middle will train 3000 to 5000 undergraduates each year, and Neijiang may be the protagonist from the contract.
On This summer fifth, 27 Sichuan enterprises and research institutes jointly setup Sichuan intelligent television industry alliance, shocking a brand new round of development dream underneath the support of “cloud-computing”, and Mianyang may be the industrial hero.
To be able to interpret the scenario of rising of Sichuan electronic information industry, every city and condition launched a vital episode. Leshan may be the only area in the united states which had created an entire industrial chain within the facet of silica materials and photovoltaic industry. Neijiang is building the biggest digital camera production base within the western area. Guang’an lately passed the “national industrialization base of electronic information industry” planning.
By 2015, Sichuan electronic information industry will attain the primary business earnings well over trillion Yuan. Grand blueprint is attracted, how can the attached metropolitan areas corporately take part in the “win-win” tune?
The start of hi-tech development zone is carefully associated with the nation’s growth and development of electronic it. Before 2011, there have been two national condition-level hi-tech zones in Sichuan, the first is in Chengdu and yet another the first is in Mianyang.
Chengdu Hi-tech Zone this past year achieved GDP706.5 billion Yuan, about 80% from the electronic information industry contribution. In Mianyang High-tech Zone, this industry taken into account over 60% of industry.
Sichuan needs strong industrial support to accelerate the making of western economy development heights. Because the national economic industry, electronic information market is put to begin with of seven 3 industrial development. However, it’s impossible to build up the entire city with simply one industrial chain.
Another the truth is, the appearance of world IT giant requires resource allocation inside a wider area.
Reviewing the introduction of electronic information industry in Sichuan, two enterprises can’t be overlooked. The first is Apple, the earth’s largest nick maker. In 2003, Apple joined the province, getting elevated an investment three occasions having a amount of 600000000 dollar, driving the development of Sichuan’s integrated circuit design and manufacturing industrial chain. Intel’s role would be to show the foreign businessmen an excellent development atmosphere in Sichuan.
Another clients are Foxconn, the earth’s largest electronics manufacturing enterprises. Its relocating to Sichuan directly brought towards the movement of countless supporting enterprises. The way the supporting enterprises can be put and also the regional division at work and cooperation grew to become a difficult question.
Electronic information industry is just about the type of Sichuan industrial intensive development. Chengdu Hi-tech Zone covers a place of 130 square kilometers, comprising only twoOr1000 from the land area in Chengdu, however the GDP this past year taken into account the city’s 1/10.
Underneath the driving of high-finish industry, a brand new city is booming. Chengdu Central Business District, with financial industry and headquarters economy as representative, is quickly developing modern building economy and repair industry, building numerous worldwide hospital, worldwide school and worldwide community, and designing first class existence, medical and academic services.
Promoting new industrialization, new urbanization, electronics and knowledge industry plays a pioneering role. The electronic information industry has turned into a type of industrial intensive rise in Sichuan.

Chengdu takes lead in big data industry

CHENGDU, Dec. 9 (NBD) -- Southwest China’s metropolis Chengdu, endowed by State Council with the mission “national central city” as its future development goal, is endeavoring to foster an international base for big data and technological innovation.
The third Big Data Administration Bureau in China was established in Chengdu last year after Shenyang and Guangzhou, following central government’s statement to comprehensively expedite the development and application of big data. As Western China’s communication hub, Chengdu is integrated with abundant date resources and undertakes the role for Smart City transmission network, internet exchange and data producing and applying. 
According to statistics published by Unionbigdata, Chengdu talents in big data industry account for some 11% of 460,000 national total. Led by Big Data Research Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Machine Intelligence Laboratory, Sichuan University and other institutions, trainings for interdisciplinary intellectuals in big data area and technology industrialization are being actively pressed forward. 
In 2015, electronic information industry in Chengdu reached 532.2 billion yuan (about 77.13 US dollars) by assets, two companies selected as China software top 100, two as China top 100 in internet information service sector, nine as key software enterprises in national planning layout. Chengdu announced its goal to establish a “world renowned software city” in July. 
Three major areas, social well-being, production and business, are set primary focus in fostering the establishment of data resource system. 
Data application and innovation in well-being sector proves active and frequent as there’s abundant resource of good quality in this area, like finance, health, transport, education, culture and tourism. 
As for production and business sector, some emerging innovative firms provide customers with decision and data services through data mining and analyzing. This is particularly illustrative in E-commerce.
Over 60 billion yuan (about 8.7 billion U.S. dollars) are estimated to be invested in building a core area and characteristic zones for big data industry. More than 50 projects in big data sector get investment of over 100 million yuan (about 14.5 million U.S. Dollars).
Big Data Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Chengdu) Base, located in Jingrong Town, Pixian County (known as Pidu District now), was established following the protocol for strategic collaboration between Chengdu Municipal People’s Government and State Information Center. Big data Industrial Park in Jingrong Town is the first industrial base in Sichuan Province. 
Integrated with business, science and technology, and other fields in social life, big data will be a driving force in bettering governance, economic transformation and social development. 
Editor: Zeng Yunheng

Latest science, tech hit market thanks to Chengdu's support

Success seen in projects signed, events held, new products available
Of eight comprehensive innovation pilot areas nationwide, Chengdu in Sichuan province has become the largest contributor to China's latest move to deepen reforms. The State Council decided in September to promote 13 piloted reform measures across the country, five of them from Chengdu.
As a scientific and technological center in western China, Chengdu has promoted collaborative innovation with colleges, universities, research institutes and companies in recent years to boost its role as an innovation-driven leader. Sichuan University hosted a project signing ceremony in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, related to the commercialization of successful biopharmaceutical research on Sept 27.
A national key laboratory team led by Wei Yuquan, an oncology professor from the university, plans to commercialize seven of its research achievements in Chengdu, including antineoplastic medicines and genetic therapy techniques, according to a statement provided at the ceremony.
The team will work with three companies that will invest nearly 800 million yuan ($121.4 million) in registering seven companies in Chengdu for industrialization development.
Through the partnership, more than 50 new drug varieties are expected to be developed and more than 10 billion yuan will be invested overall. Wei said that they have transferred more than 60 innovative drug varieties to large domestic pharmaceuticals companies and nearly 20 projects have been commercialized in Chengdu.
Xie Heping, president of Sichuan University, said, "We hope through the signing that Chengdu will train more top scientists."
He said the fact that the projects signed at the ceremony will develop in Chengdu is an achievement of the action plan Sichuan University implemented for commercializing scientific and technological research, Xie said.
Latest science, tech hit market thanks to Chengdu's support

Latest science, tech hit market thanks to Chengdu's support
Latest science, tech hit market thanks to Chengdu's support
The plan, which was launched last year, put forward 22 measures targeting prominent problems restricting commercialization, involving the whole process from basic research, development to industrialization.
An electronic information plus industry development conference, hosted at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China on Sept 29, attracted more than 500 alumni entrepreneurs from 40-plus regions to Chengdu. They have integrated into the city's innovation and entrepreneurship rush via different approaches.
Zhou Jinting, chairman of Shanghai Hefu Holding, said that the company will build an electronic information industry area in Chengdu's Pidu district, which will be able to generate 100 billion yuan in annual output value.
They will first launch an electronic information plus area covering 1.5 square kilometers and an entrepreneurship industry park.
Wang Dongsheng, chairman of BOE Technology Group, said: "Chengdu's forward-looking, global perspective and the cooperation among local governments, companies, universities, research institutes and users will promote innovation and invention."
Wang said he has been to and invested in many cities, and he firmly believes Chengdu is a city of the future, featuring reform and innovation. "BOE has decided to make Chengdu an important center for future development," Wang said. He added the company's three business fields - display and sensing, payment systems, and life sciences and healthcare - are all developing in Chengdu.
"We have already invested 100 billion yuan in Chengdu," Wang said. "We have faith in the city's prospects."
At the conference, the Chengdu government and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China decided to host an annual event on Sept 29, comprising a development summit, forums and investment promotion activities.
Chengdu is home to 56 institutions of higher learning and 84 national-level research and development platforms, including a key national laboratory for polymeric materials and engineering. The city leads in fields such as rail transit, high polymer materials, stem cells and biological materials.
 Latest science, tech hit market thanks to Chengdu's support
Researchers conduct an experiment at the National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials in Sichuan University.Provided to China Daily