Friday, March 22, 2019

Brief Introduction To Tianfu New Area In Chengdu China,Company Registration,Set Up Business In Chengdu Tianfu New Area

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The total planned area of Tianfu New Area is 1578 km2, including 1293 km2 under the jurisdiction of Chengdu. Tianfu New Area, with Chengdu Hi-tech Development Zone (South), Chengdu Economic & Technological Development Zone, Shuangliu Economic Development Zone, Pengshan Economic Development Zone, Renshou Shigao Economic Development Zone, and Longquan Lake, Sancha Lake and Longquan Mountain (referred to as "Two Lakes and One Mountain") as the main body, covers Chengdu Hi-tech Development Zone (South), Longquanyi District, Shuangliu County, Xinjin County, Jianyang City under Ziyang City, and Pengshan County and Renshou County under Meishan City, involving 3 cities, 7 counties (cities, districts) and 37 townships, towns and sub-district offices.
Adhering to the sustainable development idea of the city with intensive development, connotative development and green development, Tianfu New Area will be made into another "industrial Chengdu" by developing the high-end industries through internationalization and world-class orientation and planning the city with scenery of mountains and water. It endeavors to construct a new internationalized modern city suitable for work, business and living, where modern manufacturing industry dominates and high-end service assembles, and to form a demonstration zone integrating coordinated development of "modern industry, modern life and modern city". The priority of Tianfu New Area is to develop the headquarter-based economy and circular economy, and to speed up the advancement of strategic new industries such as energy resources, new materials, energy conservation, biotechnology, and the new generation information technology and high-end equipment manufacturing.
Core function: "One Portal, Two Bases and Two Center"
One portal:
 A portal for inland opening. Tianfu New Area is an important part for opening the inland China to the Eurasia as well as a channel and platform for the exchange and cooperation in economy, technology, information and culture between West China and the outside world.
Two bases: Trillion-scale high-tech industrial base and trillion-scale high-end manufacturing base. The former, with the electronic information industry as the leading industry, focuses on running bigger and stronger hi-tech industries in new energy, equipment manufacturing, new materials and biotechnology. The latter, with the automobile R&D and manufacturing as the priority, spares no effort to develop the high-end manufacturing industry in aerospace, engineering machinery and energy conservation and environmental protection equipment.
Two centers: High-end Service Center in West China and National Independent Innovation Center.
Planning structure: "One Belt with Two Wings and One City with Six Zones"
One belt refers to the high-end service clustering belt. It extends southward from the middle axis of Tianfu New Area and eastward to the foot of Longquan Mountain.
Two wings refer to the industrial functional zones on the east and west wings. They are the clustering zone of Chengdu-Meishan hi-tech and strategic emerging industries and high-end manufacturing industrial functional zone in Longquan Economic Zone.
One city, refers to New Tianfu City, which, aiming at providing high-end services related to CBD, headquarters office buildings and cultural and administrative affairs, will be built into a regional primary center of production organization and living      
6 zones refer to the 6 comprehensive functional zones, which are delimited based on the leading industry and ecological isolation. These 6 zones, provided with perfect service functions in production and living, are established to take advantage of industrial clustering effect.
The construction of Tianfu New Area is implemented in three stages
Near-term (2011-2015): It is the period of fast development and great breakthroughs, during which 160 km2 land will be added for urban construction. Relying on Chengdu Hi-tech Development Zone and Economic Development Zone, it is planned to carry out the infrastructure construction and accelerate the development of hi-tech industry, modern manufacturing industry and high-end service industry. Importance will be attached to the construction of high-end service clustering belt, Longquan High-End Manufacturing Industrial Functional Zone, and Airport-based Hi-tech Industrial Functional Zone and the construction of three cooperation zones (Xinjin-Pengshan, Shuangliu-Renshou and Two Lakes & One Mountain) will be launched during this period.
Mid-term (2016-2020): It is the period to carry out the construction in an all-round way and establish a development framework, during which 150 km2 land will be added for urban construction. During this period, it is planned to make full use of the new airport, high-speed railways and expressways and other regional transport hubs and traffic facilities in Chengdu, strengthen the high-end industries and high-end service functions, establish a development framework of Tianfu New Area, basically create a state-level modern industrial highland, and realize the regeneration of an industrial Chengdu. Importance will be attached to the construction of the innovation and R&D functional zone in Southeast Chengdu, which together with the financial business center and the headquarters business center in North Chengdu will form a high-end service clustering belt. During this period, the construction of industrial zones on the two wings and the Two Lakes and One Mountain Area and the construction of an international modern Tianfu New Area will be basically completed.
Long-term (2021-2030): It is the period of optimization, enhancement and sustainable development, during which 150 km2 land will be added for urban construction. During this period, it is planned to complete all constructions in Tianfu New Area in an all-round way, promote the industrial upgrading and quality improvement, strengthen high-end consumption, scientific & technical innovation and cultural communication, improve the integrated services and build a state-level innovation-oriented city as well as an international modern new city suitable for industries, business, and living.

To facilitate people who want to invest and set up business in Chengdu Tianfu New Area , here is an introduction of Types of business presence in China: 

Before starting up a business in China, you have to know what are the options. Foreign Investors generally establish a business presence in China in one of five modes: Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise(WFOE); Representative Office; Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE); Joint Venture and Hong Kong Holding Company.

Wholly Foreign OwnedEnterprise (WFOE) is a Limited liability company wholly owned by the foreign investor. WFOE requires no registered capital and it's liability of equity , can generate income, pay tax in China and it's profit could be repatriate back to investor's home country. Any enterprise in China which is 100 percent owned by a foreign company or companies can be called as WFOE.

Representative Office (RO) is aLiaison Office of it's parent company. It requires no registered capital. It's activities would be: product or service promotion, market research of it's parent company's business, Quality Control liaison office etc in China. RO generally is prohibited to generate any revenue nor generating contracts with local businesses in China.

Joint Venture (JV) is a Limitedliability company formed between Chinese investor and Foreign investor. The parties agree to create a entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. JV usually been used by foreign investor to engage the so called restricted in areas such like: Education, Mining, Hospital etc.

Since March 1, 2010: Measures of Establishment of Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE) in Chinaistaking effect. The regulation, which take effect since March 1, 2010, are known as the Administrative Measures for the Establishment of Partnership Enterprise in China by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals. There's no required minimum registered capital for a Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprise (FIPE) in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and rest cities of China

Hong Kong Company usually been used as a Special Purpose vehicle (SPV) to invest Mainland China. Hong Kong is one of the quickest locations to Incorporate a business. Although a HK company is not a legal entity in Mainland China (Mainland China and Hong Kong, See Wiki 1 country, 2 systems), lots foreign investors, especially investors from Europe and North America still chose to setting up a Hong Kong company as SPV to invest China.

After China's entry to WTO, most industries in China welcome foreign investment, WFOE setting up in China becomes the first option of foreign investment's entity structures instead of Rep. Office setting up in China. At the mean time, for tax purpose, effective licensing system etc more and more investors use Hong Kong as the holding company to invest China mainland, using this offshore company to hold their operations in China.

Business set-up in Chengdu is a big project by itself, which requires financial and time commitments, business management knowledge and China expertise. Identifying a competent agent to manage the complex process will be a cost and time effective way to avoid potential pitfalls . Tommy China Business Consulting has direct connections in the local government

Since 2006, TCBC has been focusing on consulting services for our clients to invest in Chengdu China. We are specialized in establishment of wholly foreign owned enterprises (WFOEs), setting up of offshore companies, trading services, tax minimization, Assist in obtaining government approvals and certificates for running business, negotiate and draft various legal documents provide legal advice, negotiate government officer for Land acquisition. Advising on formation of WOFE and business structures, managing and controlling WOFE in Chengdu China, drafting privacy policies and structuring commercial transactions

TCBC will manage all aspects of incorporation to get you a business license in Chengdu China. We offer a range of company formation services including helping you to set up:
-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE )
-Joint Ventures (Equity/Co-operative)
-Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE)

Contact Tom Lee for business setup consulting in Chengdu Tianfu New Area now.

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