Saturday, March 9, 2019


Recently  a Sichuan website reported that Germany’s Nordrhein-Westfalen state had signed an agreement to establish a business and investment centre within the Tianfu New area, Chengdu, Sichuan and we summarise the main points as follows with added commentary.
Nordrhein-Westfalen, is Germany’s most populous state, its capital being Düsseldorf, and houses the powerhouse cities of Cologne, Dortmund and Essen. It is also home to twenty six of Germany largest fifty companies the likes of ThyssennKrupp, Deutsche Telekom and RWE energy.
The article stated, “China’s Sichuan province has had a working relationship with Germany’s Nordrhein-Westfalen state for over 27 years and the leaders of both jurisdictions signed a co-operation agreement to open a Nordrhein-Westfalen business and investment centre to promote two way investments and trade.”
The business and investment centre, with a capital injection of RMB 2 Billion (US$325 billion), will be built in the Tianfu New Area, and include modern office buildings, a research and development centre, medical and finance precincts, a cultural and communication area, and accommodation facilities.   
Furthermore the Sichuan government will be providing significant support to ensure the centre is developed expeditiously to help foster and promote business and trade relations.
The CEO of the German investor said, “the Nordrhein-Westfalen center would be a lighthouse project to enhance the cooperation of both sister states. The design of the centre will be very dynamic and we choose the CBD of the Tianfu New Area because the transportation here is very convenient, there is a great work life balance and it will attract talented professionals.”   
In a recent trip to China Germany’s Economic Minister Garrelt Duin stated,
“North Rhine-Westphalia has representative offices in Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai and another project office in Guangzhou and it is a leader in direct investments within China and its provinces.”
"The Sichuan Province has become one of the most important locations for high tech, chemicals and logistics in China. I am very pleased that North Rhine-Westphalia is now also represented here with an office.”
He also noted, "For Chinese companies Nordrhein-Westfalen is now the most sought after location in Germany and a bridge to Europe. We hope to welcome more companies especially from Sichuan province in North Rhine-Westphalia in the future.” (ministerial announcement)
Dr Herbet Jakoby, the CEO of NRWinvest also stated, "With our new office project we would like to intensify the direct contact with business associations, institutions, and highlight policies in Chengdu, to provide information on the strengths of the business location,” end article. is awed by the Sichuan and Nordrhein-Westfalen business and investment centre and further reinforces the fundamental role Germany , its provinces and studios citizens are taking with the transformation of Chengdu, Sichuan and Western China.
German engineers, German scientists and our “beloved German philosophers” have something special about themselves, they think outside the square, go the extra mile and take immense care in their efforts.
Indeed with the Chancellor Merkel making her ninth visit to China (June 2016) we vivdly recall in July 2014, when she made Chengdu her first port of call, the influx of German professionals, startups and enterprises will continue unabated.
Finally this unique project further reinforces Chengdu pivotal role within Western China’s as its premier economic and investment city. The project is a continuation of ‘Chinas Go West Policy’ that commenced in earnest in the late 1990’s and early 2000s transforming the Chinas western regions. The western region has over 400 million citizens, a growing per capita income and a desire to develop their unique business and entrepreneurial models. Today these regions are China’s new economic frontiers with Chengdu and Sichuan leading the charge. 
Information source:
Sichuan news website, 24/4/2015.
Disclaimer: The above article has been summarized from the above mentioned sources and added commentary provide by

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