Thursday, March 21, 2019

DoBe Group Opens Its First Creative Industry Park in Chengdu to Support the Construction of a Famous Cultural and Creative City in West China

On Oct. 12, Sichuan Daily Press Group and DoBe Group, a leading Chinese service provider dedicated to development of cultural, creative, sci-tech and innovative enterprises held a signing ceremony in Chengdu. Sichuan Daily Press Group’s Party Committee Deputy Secretary and General Manager Deng Ziyue, Economic Management Committee Member and General Manager Office’s Director Su Bing, Economic Management Committee Member and Printing Company’s General Manager Dai Wen, DoBe Group’s Co-Founder and Vice President Chen Hong, DoBe Group Chengdu’s person in charge Li Molan attended the ceremony.

It is reported that DoBe Group will re-design and upgrade a property of Sichuan Daily Press Group in Jinjiang District and turn it into DoBe Group’s first cultural and creative industry park in southwest China. This move will further help Chengdu become a cultural and creative center leading in west China, first-rate nationwide and well-known worldwide, and facilitate the rise of cultural and creative industry in west China. Talking about this cooperation, Sichuan Daily Press Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary Lianxiang Printing Company’s General Manager Dai Wen said: "Cooperation with DoBe Group is of great significance to urban renewal and stock asset reuse. DoBe will redesign and upgrade idle urban resources and give new life to the buildings. In the future, we hope to work with DoBe to create thriving industry cluster ecology for cultural, creative, sci-tech and innovative enterprises, and support development of cultural and creative industries in southwest China.”

At present, DoBe Group already has more than 70 creative industry parks, including overseas projects in America’s Silicon Valley and Italy’s Florence, covering DoBe Group’s 3 brands, i.e. DoBe E-Manor, DoBe WE” and DoBe Sports LOFT. In China, DoBe parks have expanded from Shanghai to Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shenzhen and other cities. Sichuan and Chongqing region is a potential market that has attracted DoBe Group’s constant attention and exploration all the time.

About entering Chengdu market this time, DoBe Group believes: "as early as two years ago, we began to visit and investigate cities in southwest China. We noticed the development of cultural and creative industries in southwest China in recent years, so we made enough preparation for entering the Chengdu market. We chose to enter Chengdu at this point of time because we saw the maturing cultural and creative industry market in southwest China. Chengdu has the most complete cultural industry structure, the strongest entrepreneurial atmosphere, and has realized industrial concentration in the entire southwest China. This is also the clearest signal for DoBe to enter Chengdu market. With the support of Jinjiang District Government and Sichuan Daily Press Group, we brought about this project.”

According to Chengdu’s goal for urban development, the added value of its cultural and creative industries should reach 65 billion Yuan in 2017. Following the idea of "cluster development, multi-industry integration and leading brand", Chengdu will promote the innovative development and creative transformation of local culture, vigorously boost the cultural and creative industries’ status, industry integration, brand reputation and international popularity, striving to make the added value of cultural and creative industries account for 12% of its GDP in 2022.

So, what're the differences between DoBe creative industry parks and other counterparts?

First of all, besides property management, DoBe provides enterprises in its parks with 10 membership services, such as startup service, brand promotion, financial advisor, business registration, listing and wehome online service, etc. Guided by "connection" and "co-creation", the two kernels of DoBe brand, DoBe connects the 5,000 companies and 100,000 white-collar workers in its parks. By constructing an enterprise service system, DoBe connects resources outside and insides its parks – enterprises and resources, enterprises and enterprises, people and people, insiders and outsiders for multiple-industry cooperation and free connection. DoBe has built a smart circle for enterprises, investment banks, law firms, professionals, colleges and universities and other resources to have benign development, and let cultural, creative, sci-tech and innovative enterprises to grow freely in the "Smart Circle" created by DoBe. This is also the biggest difference between DoBe parks and other creative industry cluster in southwest China.

All the time, DoBe has upheld the concept of "Smart Circle" and focused on community operation. According to statistics, in the first half of 2017, more than 1,000 community activities of various types such as fairs, sports events, music festivals, keynote speeches and TED sharing have been held in DoBe parks. In July 2017, DoBe hosted the second International Community Festival under the theme “Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community Exchange”. During the 10 days from July 11 to July 21, nearly 100 community activities were held, which brought together dozens of high-quality community resources, including CYZONE, LIGHT HI, 818 Creative Commune, Immersive Theatre, Fly Improv, Spiritual Wealth Club, Elephant Request Theatre, and attracted up to 100,000 visitors.

In addition to community operation, DoBe’s globalization is also worth mentioning. As early as in 2014, supported by Shanghai and Florence governments, DoBe formally set up its first park abroad, Shanghai & Florence – Sino Italian Design Exchange Center’s Florence Base. By combining "bringing in" and "going out", Shanghai and Florence have opened a new mode for cooperation and exchange in the creative design industry, built a multi-level wide-ranging partnership between China and Italy, promoted in-depth exchange and cooperation between China and Italy in creative design, realized the going out strategy of “driving multiple points by one point” in the European market.

Speaking of future global development, Jia Bo, President of DoBe Group, said: "in the next three years, DoBe will follow the ‘Belt and Road’, successively open international parks in more than 10 international cities around the world, including London of Britain, Tel Aviv of Israel, Paris of France, Munich of Germany, Tokyo of Japan, New York of the United States, Melbourne of Australia, etc. By building a global service platform, as an ‘embassy’ for enterprises, DoBe will pave the road for the international cultural, creative, sci-tech and innovative enterprises which are interested in entering the Chinese market, and open a green channel for domestic enterprises to go international. DoBe serves cultural, creative, sci-tech and innovative enterprises both from China and overseas. By providing international two-way services, we will realize the double-drive global development strategy.”

Globalization, membership services, community operation and Internet development form the strong genes for DoBe to become the leader in driving the development of creative industries in west China. No matter the cooperation history, development opportunity or policy support, everything indicates DoBe Group’s entry in the southwest market is irresistible. It is believed that in the near future, the DoBe park’s completion and operation and cooperation between DoBe and Chengdu will bring about new vigor to the city.

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